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North Star Homestead Farms Presents
Aquaponics: Biodynamic, Healthy Foods All Year Round
Aquaponics: Biodynamic, Healthy Foods All Year Round
Nestled beside our Farmstead Creamery (and built the same year, 2012) is our farm’s aquaponics greenhouse. Aquaponics is a unique, symbiotic relationship between fish, beneficial bacteria, and crop plants, which allows our farm to grow food all year. Our tilapia fish enjoy constantly-flowing fresh waters cleaned by the roots of the plants, and the plants utilize the nutrient rich water from the fish to grow and flourish. The greenhouse environment naturally shelters the delicate crops we grow from storms, pests, predators, and pathogens, creating succulent, delicious, and tender produce. This greenhouse has revolutionized our ability to offer fresh, local, and biosecure greens and herbs throughout the year, as well as delicious and clean fillets of fish. Enjoy the bounty all year right here!