Time to Reserve Your Poultry for 2022

Limited Quantity, Special Offer

You've been invited to reserve birds raised and processed right here on our farm. This popular offering sells out fast! If you're familiar with this offering, click on to place your order, but we've also included more information below, so you can learn about our practices, how the reservation process works, and more. Right now, we're offering reservation permissions as an invite-only process, so this access is just for you. If you have questions, we are also happy to help.


Poultry Season Will Soon Be Here!

While we're in the depths of winter now, it won't be long before the season of cheep-cheep-cheep will be upon us. This year, we are planning to raise and process 300 Red Ranger meat chickens and about 25 turkeys. This is a special offering just for our members and select legacy clients. The quality of our birds' natural lifestyle, diverse diet, and the care they receive makes for exceptional meals. You also have the satisfaction of knowing that our birds are a key part of our regenerative practices. Your pre-order fee acts as a down payment that helps us purchase chicks and feed for the upcoming poultry season.

Laura with chicken

Available Poultry: While They Last

Here are the types of birds that we are raising this year, their features and characteristics. You may wish to reserve more than one kind. For instance, 6 chickens and 1 turkey are a very common reservation choice for members, which means you will be able to enjoy a delicious chicken from the farm every-other month plus a holiday turkey! Birds are processed on-farm and will be available whole and fresh.

red ranger chickens

Red Ranger Meat Chickens

Several years ago, we switched from raising the white Cornish-cross breed to Red Rangers and have never looked back!  They take longer to raise but are spunky, hearty, and act like real chickens.  We typically raise out our Red Rangers 14+ weeks, with females taking longer than males.  These are great roasters and very tender with nice breast size, dressing out between 6 and 8 lbs.  Our birds arrive as day-old chicks from a Wisconsin hatchery and enjoy the first few weeks of life in the safety of a coop before transitioning to pasture into portable pen systems known as “tractors.”  Every morning, Laura and Kara move the tractors onto fresh pasture, where these birds enjoy the fresh greens and bugs, scratching and expressing their “chicken-ness.”  Processing season runs late July into October.  Current availability: More than 10


Heritage Turkeys

We maintain a breeder flock of heritage breed turkeys on our farm:  royal palm, Jersey buff, Narraganset, etc.  In the spring, Laura runs her incubator to hatch turkey chicks to raise up for holiday orders.  Young turkeys can be very fragile, so after the meat chickens move out of the shared brooder coop, the turkeys enjoy taking over this space as their house, and we rotate them throughout the barnyard for daily foraging adventures.  The number of heritage turkeys available each year is an estimate, which may have to be adjusted depending on the success rate of our spring hatch.  Processing season is November, with sizes ranging from 8-17 lbs. dressed.  Current availability: More than 10


Broad-Breasted White Turkeys

Sourced as day-old chicks from a Wisconsin hatchery.  These birds augment the turkey chicks we are able to hatch on our farm.  They grow up faster than the heritage breeds and have a higher ratio of breast meat.  This broad-breasted style of turkey will be our larger birds in selection.  We have ordered to have them arrive two weeks later than they did last year, so they will hopefully be a bit smaller than the chunky monsters we had last year!  However, if your holiday plans include feeding a crowd, this is the type of bird for you.  If our hatch rate is poor, we will be leaning on this breed to help us fill turkey reservations.  Processing season is November, with sizes from 15-30 lbs. dressed.  Current availability:

first chickens

Laura, Kara, and Grandpa with some of our very first meat chickens in 1999.

Purchasing Poultry From our Farm, You Know:

Top Quality

All our birds enjoy dynamic, outdoor lives in harmony with nature, supplemented with locally grown grains milled to our specification, free of any type of growth treatments.

Raised with Lovingkindness

We tend our birds with love every day, and we process them right here on our farm, so there is no stress of having to be shipped to a butcher or being handled by people they don't know. It's a comfy life for birds on our farm.

Regenerates the Earth

The poultry on our farm are a key component of our rotational grazing practices--increasing soil fertility, reducing pests and parasites, and fostering a diverse, verdant ecosystem. Our principles of good fencing and safe housing means our birds can enjoy natural lives and be protected from wildlife in a harmonious relationship.

We are certain you will taste the difference!

20+ Years of Poultry Raising Experience

Bring that expertise and its resulting flavor and nutrition home this year with your poultry reservation! Here is how the process works:


Order the number and type of birds you wish to receive.


Laura will be in touch to schedule your pickups(s).


Your reservation becomes a deposit that reduces the final bill.


Final purchase price is based on the dressed weights of the birds.

Our price per pound for poultry is $6.50.

Sharing our Love for Poultry with You

From the cuteness of day-old chicks to the joy of curiosity they display throughout their lives, poultry add real character to our farm. We take great care and find great meaning in the work of raising them and preparing them for our members.

Laura and chicken

Laura Berlage

North Star Homestead Farms

roast chicken

Roast Chicken

This could be in your kitchen!

Ready to Reserve Your Birds?

Taste the Difference, Make a Difference, Live the Difference.


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Come to the farm and enjoy curbside pickup at our Farmstead Creamery

We will bring your order out to you at our curbside pickup counter in front of Farmstead Creamery Wednesday through Saturday, 10am-6pm. Just let us know in your order notes what day and when you would like to pickup your order and we will “See you down on the farm !”

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