Helping Hands
There’s a reason farming families used to have lots of kids—there’s always plenty of work to do on the farm! This really starts to hit home when springtime rolls in, with the promise of summer close behind. There’s animals to birth, chicks to tend, gardens to plant, machinery to upkeep (not to mention the house too!), the business end to run, product to make, livestock to manage and care for, and it won’t be long before the lawn needs mowing too.
Goodness, that’s a mouthful, and it doesn’t even cover the unexpected: sudden storms, freak freezes, the pigs got loose, a coyote is spotted prowling the field, and all else.
Farms with smaller families have to get creative about how they work the labor issue, especially since everyone knows it isn’t easy making a living off the land anymore. Some folks hire, others get mechanized, while the brave and daring engage educational moments and community involvement.
Over the years, our internship program has brought bright and spunky young people to the farm for an immersion learning experience that not only changes their view on growing and raising foods but also strengths their character, esteem, and work ethic.
But this year, we’ve come up short on having interns on board. It’s still a busy spring with lots of plans for the summer, but how to make it all happen? That’s why we’ve brainstormed kick-starting a volunteer initiative. Sometimes folks want to jump in and learn but they can’t commit to the full-time nature of the internship program. Maybe that kind of person would be you! Read on to learn how the program works this year and give us a holler if you’re on board.
Get Involved with the Farm this Summer via our Volunteer Initiative!
We are looking for eager, helping hands this summer to be a part of the busy season’s activities. It’s a great way to learn more about the farm, the team, the vision, and sustainable living. With a smaller staff this summer, we’d certainly appreciate sharing that special experience while making progress on important farm projects.
On-Call Volunteer List: Here’s how it works: we’ll be putting together a database of folks who are willing to lend a hand. Let us know which of the projects outlined below would interest you (or maybe you have an idea of your own), give us a holler or an email, and we’ll get you on the list.
As the project draws near, we’ll check in with the folks on the list for availability. If you’re not up that day or can’t make it, no strings, we’ll keep on calling down the list. It’s summer season success via crowd sourcing!
Volunteer Project List: Here’s some ideas for where we could use a hand this summer:
• Pizza Farm Saturdays
Running pizzas, bussing tables, hauling firewood, prepping ingredients
• Planting Shrubs (honeybee grant)
This is a hayfield revitalization project, which includes planting 400 flowering shrubs in May—in fact, the plants are coming in right now.
• Planting the Garden
• Weeding the Garden
• Harvesting the Garden
With plans for a great CSA year plus an indoor Saturday farmer’s market at Farmstead Creamery, we’re upping the ante in the raised bed garden
• Loading/Unloading Hay Wagons
Haying season can be hectic (though short), but even if you can spare a few hours, have a strong back, and no asthma, haying is quite an experience
• Butchering Chickens
Learn the full story about where your food comes from. Interested in getting into backyard chickens? Good butchering technique is an important skill to have.
• Packing CSA Shares
Some weeks can be a real crunch to get those shares ready to go on Wednesday, with processing and sorting vegetables, fruits, herbs, and a special “farm choice” item.
• Firewood
Can’t run out of pizza cooking materials, but it’s no fun to cut in the woods alone. There’s plenty of fallen trees from the September storm to keep us busy for a while.
Have an idea that we missed? Let us know!
Volunteer Appreciation Supper: In the tradition we started last fall, we’ll be hosting a scrumptious feast in October to celebrate the difference our volunteers make. If you were able join us for a project or lend a hand, you’ll be invited to the party! Folks get to share their story, fun memories, and enjoy the great camaraderie of working together to keep this special Century farm going for years to come.
Interested in joining the volunteer initiative? Give us a shout! And maybe we’ll see you down on the farm this summer.